Apr 16, 2017
Monday April 17th.
Today we Pay. The. Man. (no,... literally, your taxes are due, pay them.) then, lets get it.... WARM UP: 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME: 5 pullups 10...

Apr 13, 2017
Friday April 14th
Let's not wait until month 10 to think about it. Attack it daily, make it your friend, get comfortable with it stop avoiding it. Let's do...
Apr 12, 2017
Thursday April 13th
"You build WILLPOWER primarily when you don't feel like doing something, BUT CHOOSE TO DO IT ANYWAY..." Lets WIN more together. WARM UP:...
Apr 11, 2017
Wednesday April 12
"reminding yourself that everything eventually passes is a powerful trick to aid in enduring discomfort. Its temporary and the tide...
Apr 10, 2017
Tuesday April 11th
Often times you will hear your coaches say "SCALE APPROPRIATELY" and often times even after hearing it many Athletes will not complete...
Apr 9, 2017
Monday April 10th
WARM UP: Teams of 3 AFAP: 150 Cals on AB (each person does 50 split up however you want) -then- warm up DL FOR TIME: 50 pistols 35 Push...
Apr 6, 2017
Friday April 7th
FOR TIME: AB 1.0m 30 HSPU or 60 perfect pushups 10 OHS 185/105 500m row 50 burpees 5 OHS 185/105 [27:00 cap] EVERYONE SHOULD FINISH!...
Apr 1, 2017
Thursday April 6th
Well that was fun. let's get it, Team style: Teams of 3: AMRAP 25: 50 cal AB 50 power cleans 135/95 50 cal AB 50 power cleans 155/105 50...
Apr 1, 2017
Wednesday April 5th
“it’s not what you do, but whether you do it consistently and with an unwavering belief until you reach your objective.” - Let's do some...
Apr 1, 2017
Tuesday April 4th
FOR TIME: 50 cal row 50 amsu #20/14 50 BJO 24/20 50 WBs 50 t2b 50 DLs 185/125 50 cal row (Big sets on the DL, challenge yourself)